Shalom, beloved,
Even when we was living without God we understant the rule, that most important to be, where you need to be. And what kind of resposibility we need to have now, when our lifes are dedicated to the Lord? That this rule can be valid, we need everyday listen attentively to Christ, who lives in us and obey to that soft inner voice. To be where you need to be very often does not match with our personal aspirations, so when we need to make decision to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, we need always to humble ourselfs and to do not what we would like to do most, but to be there where we are the most needed.
Subtleties of my Israel trip
As I mentioned in my last letter, that one of biggest my desires was to be in youth worship camp for Jewish and Arab teenagers. Camp was organized by prayer house “Succat Hallel” based in Jerusalem. And of cause I was in that camp, but not in that way how I want, but in that way how Lord was prepared. The most important to be, where you need to be.
Worship camp “Next generation” started at 26th of June, Monday and continuing for 5 days. To this camp came young Jewish and Arabs believers, and also in Israel living Koreans, Ethiopian Jewish and maybe few other nationalities. Also there was abundantly teachers and camp leaders from all over the world. The most of them was from IHOP university (Kansas City), also from South Korea, Malaysia, Finland, missionaries from Egypt and some other nations. It was grace to represent Lithuania in that kind of event, and to serve in that way how I can, but really everything was not in that way how I imagine. And praise the Lord!
As I mentioned camp started on Monday, and majority of ministers from prayer house “Succat Hallel” went to youth camp. Because of that it was loopholes in 24/7 worship, and someone need to stand in the gap. That privilege was given to few worshippers who came from abroad, including me. It not was some kind of big disappointment, even I was willing to be in the camp from the very beginning, but I understand, that the most important to be, where you need to be. So, 3 from 5 days of the camp I was in Jerusalem and that was such a special time. Can you imagine that kind of picture: from the window of prayer house you can see old city of Jerusalem, with raised your hands to heaven you can pray for Israel, bless people living there, and worship king of Kings Jesus Christ! Every day, and even sometimes in the night I spend 2-3 hours in prayer and worship, and I can tell you – this is big challenge. I remember one sentence, what I heard long time ago, that we need to give to God the tithe of our time. If this is true, so ministry in the house of worship and prayer is that tithe, and sometimes it’s not easy, especially when you have night watch, but the most important to be, where you need to be.
Few questions
Maybe you would like to ask me: “How do you know where you need to be?” The most important thing for every believer is to be in the presence of God. Of cause presence of God is not defined by geographical measurement – this is spiritual realm. But if we want to fulfil the will of God we need to be in His planned place at His time.
So now probably you would like to ask me another question: “How do you know that this is Gods planned place and His time?” Good question, but answer is very simple: “I know, that I know, that I know”. And that knowing is confirmed by peace and joy, who come from the Lord. Even Bible tells us, that Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). So, Holy Spirit witness to our spirit through the peace and joy in our inner being.
Little bit more about worship camp
I think you are interested to know more about the camp. So, I will try to tell you the most important things in short way. From all the land came about 100 young messianic Jews, Arabs and young Christians from other nations, who living in Israel. This is next generation, who will make big impact in the life of nation of Israel. And this impact for sure is spiritual. So, during the camp youth was blessed by the word of God, and even messages was orientated to teenagers, even I was very blessed and encouraged. Because this camp is worship camp, so no doubt, there was a lot of worship. Every morning and evening everyone was gathering together, and in this meetings the name of Jesus was magnified in Hebrew, Arab and English languages. Also in the camp was masterclasses, where youth can learn more how to play drums, guitar, violin and keyboards. Also in the camp was group of young people who was learning how to film and edit movies, and during of the camp they made music video.
From 5 days of camp, I was there just for 2 days, but I believe, that was will of God, because when I was for first 3 days in Jerusalem I was filled with incredible peace and joy from Heaven.
When I came to the camp, the first thing – I was amazed by incredible beauty of the place where everything happen. This is in the mountain area based messianic kibbutz (community village), where is ancient Biblical garden, amazing guest houses and many halls. So this place is perfect to organize different events.
Even when we was living without God we understant the rule, that most important to be, where you need to be. And what kind of resposibility we need to have now, when our lifes are dedicated to the Lord? That this rule can be valid, we need everyday listen attentively to Christ, who lives in us and obey to that soft inner voice. To be where you need to be very often does not match with our personal aspirations, so when we need to make decision to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, we need always to humble ourselfs and to do not what we would like to do most, but to be there where we are the most needed.
Subtleties of my Israel trip
As I mentioned in my last letter, that one of biggest my desires was to be in youth worship camp for Jewish and Arab teenagers. Camp was organized by prayer house “Succat Hallel” based in Jerusalem. And of cause I was in that camp, but not in that way how I want, but in that way how Lord was prepared. The most important to be, where you need to be.
Worship camp “Next generation” started at 26th of June, Monday and continuing for 5 days. To this camp came young Jewish and Arabs believers, and also in Israel living Koreans, Ethiopian Jewish and maybe few other nationalities. Also there was abundantly teachers and camp leaders from all over the world. The most of them was from IHOP university (Kansas City), also from South Korea, Malaysia, Finland, missionaries from Egypt and some other nations. It was grace to represent Lithuania in that kind of event, and to serve in that way how I can, but really everything was not in that way how I imagine. And praise the Lord!
As I mentioned camp started on Monday, and majority of ministers from prayer house “Succat Hallel” went to youth camp. Because of that it was loopholes in 24/7 worship, and someone need to stand in the gap. That privilege was given to few worshippers who came from abroad, including me. It not was some kind of big disappointment, even I was willing to be in the camp from the very beginning, but I understand, that the most important to be, where you need to be. So, 3 from 5 days of the camp I was in Jerusalem and that was such a special time. Can you imagine that kind of picture: from the window of prayer house you can see old city of Jerusalem, with raised your hands to heaven you can pray for Israel, bless people living there, and worship king of Kings Jesus Christ! Every day, and even sometimes in the night I spend 2-3 hours in prayer and worship, and I can tell you – this is big challenge. I remember one sentence, what I heard long time ago, that we need to give to God the tithe of our time. If this is true, so ministry in the house of worship and prayer is that tithe, and sometimes it’s not easy, especially when you have night watch, but the most important to be, where you need to be.
Few questions
Maybe you would like to ask me: “How do you know where you need to be?” The most important thing for every believer is to be in the presence of God. Of cause presence of God is not defined by geographical measurement – this is spiritual realm. But if we want to fulfil the will of God we need to be in His planned place at His time.
So now probably you would like to ask me another question: “How do you know that this is Gods planned place and His time?” Good question, but answer is very simple: “I know, that I know, that I know”. And that knowing is confirmed by peace and joy, who come from the Lord. Even Bible tells us, that Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). So, Holy Spirit witness to our spirit through the peace and joy in our inner being.
Little bit more about worship camp
I think you are interested to know more about the camp. So, I will try to tell you the most important things in short way. From all the land came about 100 young messianic Jews, Arabs and young Christians from other nations, who living in Israel. This is next generation, who will make big impact in the life of nation of Israel. And this impact for sure is spiritual. So, during the camp youth was blessed by the word of God, and even messages was orientated to teenagers, even I was very blessed and encouraged. Because this camp is worship camp, so no doubt, there was a lot of worship. Every morning and evening everyone was gathering together, and in this meetings the name of Jesus was magnified in Hebrew, Arab and English languages. Also in the camp was masterclasses, where youth can learn more how to play drums, guitar, violin and keyboards. Also in the camp was group of young people who was learning how to film and edit movies, and during of the camp they made music video.
From 5 days of camp, I was there just for 2 days, but I believe, that was will of God, because when I was for first 3 days in Jerusalem I was filled with incredible peace and joy from Heaven.
When I came to the camp, the first thing – I was amazed by incredible beauty of the place where everything happen. This is in the mountain area based messianic kibbutz (community village), where is ancient Biblical garden, amazing guest houses and many halls. So this place is perfect to organize different events.
I came to the culmination of the camp. From the participants was made 7-8 music bands, and they need to prepare songs for worship night. When children was in the pool (outside of the camp), me with other volunteers was preparing rehearsal rooms, and in one of those rooms I was responsible for the sound. When I was traveling to Israel, I was even not thinking, that my small ability to work with sound system can be helpful in the camp, but this was the biggest need, and I remember, that the most important is to be, where you need to be and to serve in the most needed area.
I invite you to see short video from rehearsal room in worship camp:
I invite you to see short video from rehearsal room in worship camp:
Worship camp in Lithuania
After receiving many ideas in youth worship camp and house or prayer where worship going 24/7, already next week I’m coming back from Israel to Lithuania, where 27th-29th of July we organizing worship camp “Breakthrough”. The goal of this camp is to bring different kind of worshipers – song writers, artists, painters, video makers, photographers, designers, sound engineers, managers and to find the ways, how we can make impact in the life of our nation. Camp will be in the beautiful Lithuanian village, and fee for 3 days and 2 nights with food is from 45 till 65 Euros per person (depends on conditions). In our registration from we did option, if people is willing to come, but they don’t have finances – that they can inform us. So if you have in the heart to support those worshippers who are financially not able to come to the camp, please write me email.
Jesus said to us: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Mt 6:34 NKJV). So it means that every day is something important what we need to do for Kingdom of God. Many of us have our daily jobs, but all time belongs to God, and if we dedicated our life’s to Him, so it means, that we are His servants, and I’m sure that every day He have really amazing tasks for us. So, I encourage you in your daily prayers to add few sincere words from your hearts: “Lord, where you would like, that I will be today? What is the most important for You that I can do today?”
Gratitude is the key, unlocking the hearts of the people
During this trip in Israel I learned a lot. One of most amazing things, when I ministering with the team of prayer house “Succat Hallel” – its incredible level of gratitude. From leaders to volunteers, all people are filled with love and thankfulness. Even sometimes its surprise me – for every small thing what I did they giving thanks to me, and this is really making incredible atmosphere. Beloved, gratitude unlocking the hearts of the people, so let’s be thankful – every day for even small things give thanks to our Heavenly Father, and I challenge you to be more and more thankful to the people, who surrounding us.
I sincerely giving thanks to you, that you writing the words of encouragement, that praying for me, and supporting this ministry financially. Thank you so much!
With love in Christ,
Tadas Daujotas
After receiving many ideas in youth worship camp and house or prayer where worship going 24/7, already next week I’m coming back from Israel to Lithuania, where 27th-29th of July we organizing worship camp “Breakthrough”. The goal of this camp is to bring different kind of worshipers – song writers, artists, painters, video makers, photographers, designers, sound engineers, managers and to find the ways, how we can make impact in the life of our nation. Camp will be in the beautiful Lithuanian village, and fee for 3 days and 2 nights with food is from 45 till 65 Euros per person (depends on conditions). In our registration from we did option, if people is willing to come, but they don’t have finances – that they can inform us. So if you have in the heart to support those worshippers who are financially not able to come to the camp, please write me email.
Jesus said to us: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Mt 6:34 NKJV). So it means that every day is something important what we need to do for Kingdom of God. Many of us have our daily jobs, but all time belongs to God, and if we dedicated our life’s to Him, so it means, that we are His servants, and I’m sure that every day He have really amazing tasks for us. So, I encourage you in your daily prayers to add few sincere words from your hearts: “Lord, where you would like, that I will be today? What is the most important for You that I can do today?”
Gratitude is the key, unlocking the hearts of the people
During this trip in Israel I learned a lot. One of most amazing things, when I ministering with the team of prayer house “Succat Hallel” – its incredible level of gratitude. From leaders to volunteers, all people are filled with love and thankfulness. Even sometimes its surprise me – for every small thing what I did they giving thanks to me, and this is really making incredible atmosphere. Beloved, gratitude unlocking the hearts of the people, so let’s be thankful – every day for even small things give thanks to our Heavenly Father, and I challenge you to be more and more thankful to the people, who surrounding us.
I sincerely giving thanks to you, that you writing the words of encouragement, that praying for me, and supporting this ministry financially. Thank you so much!
With love in Christ,
Tadas Daujotas